shouting in doorways

Sunday, April 27, 2003

Yeeeeeeeeeeah. Mmmmm tasty biscuits and it's nearly teatime. There's no news - though I have been writing lots of tunes which will see the light of day when they're all finished. Meanwhile there are two new tunes on one of which contains uncleared Charles Bronson sample.

Weird freak neighbour upstairs has dug up all the grass at the back of the house and put chalky dogturd coloured gravel down (badly) instead. When she got round to asking me whether I thought it was a good idea (it's not her land), I expressed my bad ideaness but she went ahead anyway then asked me if I wanted to pay for it (?) while reminding me that she'd spent £150 on weedkiller for the back of the house (which is about 5 square metres) and would I like to contribute to that (?). The most expensive weedkiller L and I could find was £12.99 - so not only has she spent a lot of money on weedkiller, it's about as effective as watering the weeds, cos they're still there and have been for at least 3 years. So not only is she a scary Jesus freak but a terrible liar. L and I spend a lot of time bitching about her in the hope she'll hear. If she does hear, she'll know we plan to sow grass seed in her gravel and water it while simultaneously encouraging cats to crap in it. I'm thinking of breeding a strain of super-resistant weed and planting that.

Anyway. Today's nice music is Crayons by Manitoba.


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