shouting in doorways

Monday, April 14, 2003

Back to school today. Bunch of arse. If I was rich enough, I'd just bugger off somewhere, write music and draw pictures. Although that wouldn't bring in the bananures.

New tune here (mp3 - apologies to those still stuck with dialup), strange time signature but nice gravel/tin tray noise. Have dumped tune with Charles Bronson sample on so it may appear in a few I don't get done by my own webhosts, the very nice people at Averdata.

As for Syria - well, is there going to be a nice US-'friendly' buffer zone for Israel? No good will come of it. Isn't the US harbouring Timothy McVeigh in prison somewhere? Isn't he a terrorist? Or am I going too far? Not as far as going to Damascus. Is the US government actually genuinely paranoid, or is it making its citizens paranoid so that they endorse whatever imperialist move Mr Bush is making this week? The unfortunate thing is, when America gets attacked again (which would be no surprise), nobody will be asking why - instead they will be saying 'well, what did you expect?' Doom doom doom.

I daresay once the Iraqis stop their orgy of looting and get round to rebuilding their wrecked country, they'll find it's been sold to large American corporations. At least my particular large American corporation has no designs on Iraq. As far as I know. No need for photocopiers in Iraq. Although I guess the CIA could do with a document management system to deal with all the information they've found about Iraq's nuclear/chemical/biological capability. They did find some, didn't they? Surely.

Today's 10 pre-bed songs (well, some of them are songs):

1. Hell Interface - The Story Of Xentrix
2. Jake Mandell - Undersea Sanctuary
3. Hrvatski - Marbles
4. Lali Puna - Rapariga da Banheira
5. Manual - Velvet Sunset
6. Refree - Susto o Muerte
7. Man With No Pseudonym - Option B
8. Opiate - Below Minus 9
9. Migala - El Ultimo Devaneo
10. Sigur Rós - Agaetis Byrjun


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